Columns & Sections
Exclusive Q&A
Q&A with Dr. Christopher Roth, committee chair for SIIM
Exclusive Q&A
Q&A with AAMI acting president and CEO Steve Campbell
Future of Healthcare
Insights from Dominic Smith, vice president for field and sales service at Canon Medical Systems, USA
Hospital Spotlight
Q&A with Laureen Driscoll, president of MultiCare’s Tacoma General and Allenmore Hospitals
Imaging Dept Manager
A three-phase approach throughout — before the exam, at the exam, and after the exam
Product Showcase
Just some of the products and services that will be on display during the virtual 2021 AAMI Exchange
Purchasing Insights
The department continues to expand beyond equipment maintenance and into other areas
Supply Chain
Lack of inventory management training is one of the major sources of supply chain inefficiency
Could standardizing the way IFUs are written be the key to getting servicers and manufacturers on the same page?
Insights from Christopher Thompson, director of clinical transformation at CenTrak
Learning about past problems and becoming familiar with common usage errors are essential