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    Media Kit: PDF

    Editorial Calendar: PDF

    The December Issue of HealthCare Business News Magazine


    Deinstallation: It always looks easier on paper!
    A checklist never hurts when planning and executing a major project
    Going mobile: A new wave of transport logistics management
    Providers search for a balance between improving efficiency and not compromising patient care

    ICU – Clinical decision support and telemedicine may save money
    Patients generate 100 data points per hour
    Best of 2016: thought leaders honored by health care associations
    A few of the individuals who earned high praise this year
    Research charities thoroughly before making your donations
    Even in the spirit of giving, there is no substitute for due diligence

    Columns & Sections

    Will the Trump card be played against Obamacare?

    Cost Containment Corner
    The president-⁠elect's rhetoric causes uncertainty

    The future of health care: the intersection of lowering cost and improving quality

    Future of Healthcare
    Satrajit Misra, VP of marketing and strategic development at Toshiba America Medical Systems, on how diagnostic imaging can help hospitals succeed

    Q&A with Dr. Norman Chenven, Founding CEO of Austin Regional Clinic

    Hospital Spotlight
    Assessing the state of health care and spotlighting the success of his institution

    IT Matters: IT budgeting for the new year

    IT Matters
    How to navigate the hurdles of upgrades while keeping everything running smoothly

    This Month in Medical History: heart of the matter

    This Month in Medical History
    How Dr. William DeVries and Dr. Barney Clark made history

    Health care facilities must be prepared to weather hurricanes and storms

    Know what to do before and after a critical event to minimize losses

    Infection control corner: five trends in fighting infections

    The arsenal for fighting HAIs has grown increasingly sophisticated

    Technology advisor: leveraging big data in the health care sector

    Inroads on the path to personalized and efficient care

    CMS reimbursement: MACRA’s impact in 2017

    Weigh your options carefully to maximize your reimbursement

    Should a hospital ED open an urgent care center?

    Cost is a major hurdle but affordable solutions are emerging

    Capital deployment: the 6 main pillars that drive valuation in health care

    Building a company that can stand on its own legs

    Medical Museum – Leech Jar

    This month's historical medical artifact

    Rural and urban hospitals evolve with the shift from volume to value

    A common pursuit yields very different challenges

    ED communications: three ways to make seconds count

    Dr. Andrew Mellin, chief medical officer at Spok, on ways to save previous time in the department where it matters most