Clarius L20 HD operates via apps for iOS and Android
Dr. Hug with the MedAustron Ion Therapy Center discusses what the treatment is all about
The fight against cancer continues during the pandemic
ASTRO and ACR seek delay in implementation so providers can be better prepared
Representing more than 200 new, quality-driven radiation oncology networks
With IT systems down, patient data unavailable for providing care for life-threatening condition
May enable fast, efficient local and whole-body staging in one step
Will utilize components designed for CERN's Compact Linear Collider
Can better distinguish features in imaged tissue or materials
Reduces radiation exposure without compromising image quality
Unencrypted USB drives stolen from Moffitt Cancer Center doctor's car
Prices varied among states and markets
Will provide maintenance documentation to ensure devices are safe and effective
Unauthorized user hacked online application to divert healthcare payments
Patients at greater risk due to delayed treatments
Offers RP more access to subspecialty care and teleradiology services for patients and clients
Improving radiology workflow and quality of care
Navigating COVID-19 with an ethical framework for establishing priorities
Provides 'adequate control' of prostate cancer, averts side effects of conventional treatments
Researchers at Yale use Hyperfine system for bedside diagnostics
First portable digital detector for separating different energy levels
Seen decreases in workload, questioning facility preparedness
Especially useful in areas with limited testing capability or delayed test results
Increases spatial resolution while reducing exposure and image artifacts
Uses lung and cardiac imaging to detect disease symptoms
Allows beneficiaries access to more devices for life-threatening conditions
Makes RLS the largest pure molecular imaging focused firm
Missed 30% fewer cancers than standard
No big surprise that it comes down to the bottom line
Offers new 3D technology and optimizes clinical and operational lab performance
Researchers call for greater awareness of disparities as a way to avoid perpetuating them
Allergic reaction to gadolinium left man with mental acuity of a young child
Will add implantable device to Philips' portfolio for PAD treatment
Could lead to repeat strokes, development of neurological disabilities
Grants China's CGNNT exclusive rights to ProteusPLUS technology
Could protect against over-radiation, manipulation of device components, functional manipulation of images
The first lawsuit to be brought against a national healthcare system since the start of the pandemic
Could be used beyond COVID-19 for acute disaster surge capacity or on a battlefield
Expanding access to virtual care, developing new AI and machine learning technologies
Down 28% even after accounting for CARES Act funding
Proportion of oropharyngeal cancer patients undergoing robotic surgery is on the rise
Indicates some form of impairment, even if radiologist is well-rested for night shift
Remote monitoring is an increasingly attractive method for monitoring the health of an MR
When was the last time you tested the RF shield in your MR suite?
Enables automatic segmentation of brain and prostate
Will enable clinicians to read, diagnose and collaborate from anywhere
Indicates need to improve how care is delivered to patients during crises
Adding multi-modality, multi-manufacturer parts to the growing service company
The proposed rule contains more than 40 new or revised codes that affect radiology