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What's new in radiography and detectors?

por Lisa Chamoff, Contributing Reporter | November 18, 2019
From the November 2019 issue of HealthCare Business News magazine

Clinica-U and Clinica-X are not FDA cleared.

The FDA-cleared D-EVO Suite FSX is a floor-mounted room designed for the hospital and outpatient environment. It has auto tracking, advanced tube head display and other premium features normally associated with an overhead room.

“Hospitals use them in rooms that are too small for an overhead room,” Fabrizio said.

GE Healthcare
GE Healthcare’s newest radiography release is its FlashPad HD, for use with the Discovery XR656 HD and Optima XR646 HD X-ray systems, and Optima XR240amx mobile X-ray system.

GE Healthcare Critical Care Suite
The 17-inch-by-17-inch detector comes in the full bucky size, so there is no need to rotate for portrait or landscape aspects.

“That really satisfies a large install base of folks who wanted that large square detector,” said Todd Minnigh, chief marketing officer for X-ray for GE Healthcare.

GE has advanced applications, such as VolumeRAD and Dual Energy, that are now available for these HD detector-based systems.

In September, the FDA cleared GE’s Critical Care Suite, which has an algorithm that flags a likely pneumothorax finding as well as AI algorithms to automatically reorient the image, identify incorrect protocol selection and highlight potentially clipped anatomy on chest images.

Konica Minolta Dynamic Digital Radiography
Konica Minolta
Konica Minolta has developed a technology called Dynamic Digital Radiography, a burst of continuous X-ray exposures that acquires 15 images per second for up to 20 seconds, similar to fluoroscopy but not in real time.

The company has partnered with Shimadzu to bring Dynamic Digital Radiography to the market on the RADSpeed Pro radiographic imaging system.

“It’s better resolution than fluoro for bones and soft tissue without contrast,” said Guillermo Sander, director of marketing and digital radiography for Konica Minolta Healthcare Americas. “And because its digital radiography, we can put metrics on it. We can calculate the lung volume and provide numbers and graphs to help with the diagnosis. We believe that by using DDR instead of static chest X-rays, clinicians will be able to rule out more things in less time. We really think it’s helping bring more information to a modality that has been very stable for a long time.”

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