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Este mes en historial médico: La historia sangrienta de James Blundell

por Joanna Padovano, Reporter | September 13, 2011
James Blundell
From the September 2011 issue of HealthCare Business News magazine

English obstetrician and physiologist James Blundell noticed that many women were dying during childbirth due to a significant loss of blood, so he decided to perform one of the first transfusions of human blood into another human.

The life-saving medical practice of blood transfusions first began hundreds of years ago. Initial efforts involved animal-to-animal transfusions, which were later followed by animal-to-human transfusions, and then eventually human-to-human transfusions. It has been said that early attempts at blood transfusions involved misguided methods such as having the patients drink the donor’s blood. As has been the case with other medical procedures in the past, many people opposed the concept of blood transfusions and it was even banned in some areas.

In September 1818, the first well-documented human-to-human blood transfusion was performed at Guy’s Hospital in London, England, by Dr. James Blundell, who had first practiced the procedure on dogs. Using a syringe Blundell injected a woman suffering from a severe postpartum hemorrhage with four ounces of her husband’s blood. Although she died, Blundell continued to perform blood transfusions on approximately ten additional patients, about half of whom survived.

Through the years Blundell published his work and wrote about the importance of preventing air from getting into a patient’s veins and avoiding coagulation of the blood. He also developed instruments to aid in the transfusion of blood, such as the Impellor, which provided blood under pressure to the recipient; and the Gravitator, a gravity feed device.

In those days, blood transfusions were typically given to patients who were experiencing conditions such as postpartum hemorrhage, extreme malnutrition, ruptured uterus, and cancer of the pylorus, among others. Due to a lack of knowledge about the different blood types, transfusions were a dangerous endeavor that frequently led to the recipient’s death.

During the early 1900s, Karl Landsteiner, an Austrian physicist, documented three out of the four main human blood types—A, B, and O. Shortly after that AB, a fourth blood group, was identified by A. Decastrello and A. Sturli. This discovery allowed doctors to recognize that the blood given to a patient needs to be compatible with their own blood type in order to increase their chance of survival. Doctors eventually realized that people with blood type O are universal donors and people with blood type AB are universal recipients.

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