¿Son sus créditos de la certificación tranferibles a un programa de grado?

por Becky Jacoby, Reporter | August 19, 2008
The American
Society of Radiologic
Technologists (ASRT)
The American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) conducted a survey that showed 73 percent of certificate R.T. education programs have articulation agreements in place. These agreements between institutions officially allow the transfer of all credits from a specified program toward a college or university degree program. Of the remaining 27 percent, half indicated progress toward such an arrangement.

"We were surprised by the high percentage," said ASRT Chief Academic Officer Sal Martino, Ed.D., R.T. ®, FASRT. "I believe this underscores the growing importance that both students and educators place on advanced education and degree attainment."

Two surveys were initiated in April 2008 via email to nearly 867 directors of educational programs in radiation therapy and radiography. More than 50 percent responded, representing most states in the U.S. One questionnaire was for directors of certificate programs and the other for degree-granting programs.

Of those respondents who had established articulation agreements, 63 percent awarded the credits to a bachelor's program. However, it is significant to note that responses indicated that approximately 80 percent required students to have completed general education requirements prior to transferring to a degree program and 100 percent required the same before entering a certificate program.

Requiring a "C" or better G.P.A. was a restriction in some cases. Other restrictions included that the college must be regionally accredited, courses must have been taken with a specified time, and certain courses may not be completed online.

Conclusively, program directors indicated a positive attitude toward articulation agreements citing the only disadvantage as a higher cost to students.