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Leo Cancer Care’s advancements in upright radiotherapy to be showcased at ASTRO

Press releases may be edited for formatting or style | September 03, 2024 Rad Oncology
[Washington D.C., September 2024] – Leo Cancer Care, a leader in upright cancer treatment solutions, is proud to announce the latest breakthroughs in upright radiotherapy, set to be showcased on booth 1601 at ASTRO 2024.

At the forefront of these innovations is Marie®, their upright particle therapy solution. Designed to improve patient outcomes by leveraging natural body positioning, this cutting-edge technology offers greater accuracy in radiation delivery, while significantly increasing patient comfort aligning with Leo Cancer Care’s mission to make radiotherapy more human by placing patient experience at the heart of technological development.

It's been a big year for Leo Cancer Care who have announced a new research partnership with Gunma University Heavy Ion Medical Center in Japan, their first carbon ion deal at CNAO (National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy) in Italy and their first two customer site installations in the USA at UW Health and McLaren Proton Therapy Center.

Throughout ASTRO 2024, Leo Cancer Care will announce plans and partnerships for future upright products, and conduct popular live demonstrations of its state-of-the-art Patient Positioning System, which received its 510k approval earlier this year, allowing participants to experience the benefits of upright radiotherapy for themselves.
*Leo Cancer Care’s upright patient positioning system recently gained 510(k) regulatory clearance in the USA for clinical use, with a similar process underway in Europe and Asia. Marie, including the upright CT scanner, is not yet clinically available.

Visit: www.leocancercare.com to learn more.

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