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SIIM: Q&A con el marrón de David

por Loren Bonner, DOTmed News Online Editor | May 16, 2014
David Brown
From the May 2014 issue of HealthCare Business News magazine

David Brown, CIIP at Kaiser Permanente Information Technology, will start a two-year term as SIIM chair on July 1, 2014. DOTmed HealthCare Business News sat down with Brown to discuss his vision for imaging informatics and what he looks forward to at this year’s show, taking place May 15-17 in Long Beach, Calif.

HCBN: What are your goals as incoming chair of SIIM?
DB: I am excited about work that’s being done to re-invent SIIM’s eCommunity presence. This is an effort that I fully support. SIIM will ultimately provide tools that will allow its contributors to express themselves across numerous platforms with minimal effort. Rebuilding SIIM’s online presence is a top priority for my first year.

I will be supporting the SIIM Board with its efforts to carry out the new initiatives and directions defined in the 2014-2017 SIIM Strategic Plan. The Board is comprised of talented individuals who are dedicated to SIIM’s development and success. I am all too aware that I am sitting at a table of leaders, and my job is similar to an orchestra conductor. I will help to guide the conversation, and together, we will shape SIIM’s future.

Finally, I hope to leverage my CIIP status to reach out to other imaging informatics professionals (IIPs and CIIPs) and encourage their participation in SIIM. These are changing times, and imaging informatics professionals need to be prepared. There is a need to prepare for the advent of enterprise imaging at a scale that we have not yet seen, but are beginning to fully appreciate.

It is my hope that I can encourage CIIPs to network with one another with a goal of mutual support and continuous development. It is through this collaboration that new ideas will be exchanged, and excitement fostered. SIIM is clearly the right forum for this type of networking. This is what SIIM has been providing all along.

HCBN: Can you tell us about the learning track you are co-chairing for the upcoming SIIM annual meeting?
I will be co-chairing SIIM 2014 Learning Track 1: “The Changing Role of the IIP.” Chuck Socia is the other co-chair for this track. The first two sessions will be on Thursday, followed by a Town Hall on Saturday. The first session will be focused on the changing role of the CIIP, and the second session will include practical tools to help advance a CIIP’s career.

HCBN: What else is new at the SIIM 2014 Annual Meeting this year?
The SIIM 2014 Hackathon is new, and promises to be very exciting. The Hackathon is going to provide an opportunity for hackers to have hands-on experience with APIs that have been developed using nextgeneration HIT standards such as DICOM REST-based services (WADO-RS, QIDO-RS, STOW-RS), HL7 FHIR, and SWIM.

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