Over 1350 Total Lots Up For Auction at Two Locations - NJ Cleansweep 03/27, FL 03/31

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PM Imaging MGMT: (213) 276-8209, info@pmimagingmgmt.com

From CA to NY and around the world we buy and sell your used imaging equipment at market value or higher. We offer spare MRI and CT parts, accessories and services supporting most OEMs. We also offer purchase, long or short-term Mobile MRI & CT rental.

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When you need it done right the first time — Image is the answer

Image Technology provides world class PARTS, SYSTEMS, SERVICE & TECHNICAL EXPERTISE to OEM's and ISO's for Philips and Siemens equipment. We own what we sell and are available 24/7. Give us an opportunity to help you. Please call us at 972-223-3008!

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Por Página


GE #2383613-2 1.5T QUAD KNEE/ FOOT COIL Bobina de MRI A la venta

ge #2383613-2 Bobina cuádruple para rodilla/pie de 1,5 tcambio $1500total... ver más

March 12  
Marcus Stephens / Medwrks
teléfono: +1 (951) 249-1819

GE #2383613-2 1.5T QUAD KNEE/ FOOT COIL Bobina de MRI A la venta

ge #2383613-2 Bobina para rodilla/pie cuádruple de 1,5 tprecio de cambio $ 1700 precio total $ 3000por favor contacte para todas las... ver más

March 12  
Marcus Stephens / Medwrks
teléfono: +1 (951) 249-1819