El vendedor asume toda la responsabilidad de este listado..
Listado: #4923688
The sale of this item may be subject to regulations by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other national/provincial/territorial/state and local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to the FDA regulation and it is to be used for regulated medical services in the USA, your payment for it indicates that you are an authorized purchaser and will comply with these regulations. If you have questions about legal obligations regarding purchase of medical devices, you should consult with the FDA or the regulatory authorities in the jurisdiction in which the item is to be used.
This item may be subject to an expiration date and the listing must state the expiration date. If you have questions about the expiration date, you must consult directly with the seller before you purchase this item. Expired items are not for patient use and may only be purchased for research, veterinary, or educational purposes in accordance with Federal, State and Local rules, regulations and laws.
If the item is opened or used, do not purchase the item until you verify the condition of the item to ensure that it is cleaned and sterilized; and that it comes in original packaging and with proper safety instructions/warnings required by the manufacturer.