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HEWLETT PACKARD Codemaster XL Defibrillator HEWLETT PACKARD Codemaster XL Defibrillator HEWLETT PACKARD Codemaster XL Defibrillator HEWLETT PACKARD Codemaster XL Defibrillator HEWLETT PACKARD Codemaster XL Defibrillator
HEWLETT PACKARD Codemaster XL Defibrillator HEWLETT PACKARD Codemaster XL Defibrillator HEWLETT PACKARD Codemaster XL Defibrillator HEWLETT PACKARD Codemaster XL Defibrillator HEWLETT PACKARD Codemaster XL Defibrillator

A la venta HEWLETT PACKARD Codemaster XL Defibrillator

  • Precio de venta :$850.00 USD [convert]
  • Condición : Excelente
  • Cantidad disponible : 2
  • En stock :
  • fecha : January 03, 2025
  • Listado # : 4382742

Descripción del artículo

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Listado: #4382742

  • Condición: Excelente
  • Type: Desfibrilador
  • Modelo: Codemaster XL
  • Common Mode Rejection: Greater than 100dB measured as per AAMI standards for cardiac monitors
  • Heart Rate Display: digital read out on monitor from 20 to 280 bpm
  • Memory Capacity: 2.5 hours monitoring or 50 full-energy discharges or 1 hour monitoring and recording
  • Waveform Display Sweep Speed: Damped sinusoidal
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Buen funcionamiento, certificado biomédico. Viene completo con cable de paciente y un rollo adicional de papel de ECG. muy limpio.

Política de devoluciones

10 Day Return Policy. Customer must pay the return shipping costs when returning a product. Items are sold as-is with no returns or refunds available unless explicitly stated.
Seller Information
  • Location :USA US flag
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