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Listado: #1599829
Condición: Usado - Aceptable
Type: Densitómetro óseo
Modelo: Discovery C
Active Scan Area: 128 CdWO4 Element Solid state Detectors • AP and Decubitus Lateral Instant Vertebral Assessment HD with Image Pro
Calibration: Internal Reference System for Pixel by Pixel Data Calibration (No daily calibration required)
Computer Hardware: Intel Pentium based PC with Dual Core 2.7 GHz • 2 GB RAM • 160 GB hard drive, • DVD RAM Drive • High Resolution 17” Flat Panel Monitor • Windows XPâ software platform • QDR for Windows XPâ Professional operating system • Network Ready
Detector Technology: 96cm x 51cm scan window
Optional: Decubitus Lateral BMD Acquisition Technique with Baseline Compensation for improved precision • Prosthetic Hip Analysis to exclude metal implants from the hip • Hip Structural Analysis • General Region of Interest to set up to seven user definable analysis regions • Small Animal
Reference Data: (n
Scanner table: Controls on scan table for User Convenience, Motorized Table and Rotating C-arm (A/SL models only)
Scanning Method: Cross Hair Style Laser for Patient Positioning
Table Dimensions: Compact Design fits in 2.3m x 3.0 room (2.6m x 3.3m with total body)
X-ray characteristics: Oil Cooled High Capacity X-ray Tube
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