Over 1350 Total Lots Up For Auction at Two Locations - NJ Cleansweep 03/27, FL 03/31

DOTmed Self-Managed Auctions

Hágalo usted mismo -- You set up, price, and run a Self-Managed Auction from beginning to end - DOTmed only provides the selling platform. You answer all Bidders' questions and collect payment from the Successful Bidder.

El hacer una oferta abierto -- Su subasta es viewable por todo el DOTmed's más que 25,000 unique visitors a day, and more than 375,000 registered users. Any Pre-approved Bidder can bid, and the bidding is public and transparent.

Visibilidad máxima -- Self-Managed Auctions are a super-premium listings and banner ads rolled into one. They're featured at the center of DOTmed's homepage, at the top of every Equipment Category, in our magazine DOTmed Equipment Classifieds, and in our Online News in "Just Posted." All this exposure helps your equipment sell faster and sell for more.

Deinstallation & envío -- You will work with the Buyer to arrange for deinstallation, packing, crating and shipping -- and export paperwork if necessary. If your buyer doesn't have someone to use, DOTmed has a list of qualified companies available for hire

Low One Time Set Up Fee -- Launch your auction and relaunch it for up to one year for a single one time setup fee outlined below.

Comisiones bajas -- Porque usted hace el trabajo, hay justo un honorario y una comisión pequeños (2%-5%) de la disposición, o elija un honorario fijo sin la comisión. Vea Self-Managed las tarifas de Comisión de la subasta.

Herramientas para hacer su venta fácil -- DOTmed le apoyará proporcionando las herramientas para hacer que su venta va suavemente.

Para fijar Self-Managed una subasta que usted necesitará:
Fotografías de Digital
Una tarjeta de crédito válida (la visa, tarjeta principal, descubre, o American Express)

Tarifas de subastas autogestionadas

La subastas básicas autogestionadas tienen cobros de activación o comisiones basadas en el precio inicial (o mínimo) y el precio de venta de la subasta:

Cobros de activación de subasta de baja comisión.

La subastas de baja comisión tienen un cobro de activación y comisiones de una sola vez basado en el precio inicial (o mínimo) y el precio de venta de la subasta. En la tabla que se muestra a continuación se incluyen los porcentajes de comisión:

Cobros de activación de subasta sin comisión.

La subastas sin comisión tienen un cobro de activación de una sola vez basado en el precio inicial (o mínimo) y el precio de venta de la subasta:

Setup Fee
Total Starting/Reserve Price
(Quantity * Individual Starting or Reserve)
Setup Fee
$0 – 500 $20
$501 – 1,000 $25
$1,001 – 2,500 $50
$2,501 – 5,000 $70
$5,001 – 10,000 $100
$10,001 – 20,000 $150
$20,001 – 40,000 $175
$40,001 – 60,000 $200
$60,001 – 80,000 $250
$80,001 – 200,000 $300
$200,001 and up $350
Setup Fee
Total Starting/Reserve Price
(Quantity * Individual Starting or Reserve)
Setup Fee
$0 – 500 $40
$501 – 1,000 $50
$1,001 – 2,500 $100
$2,501 – 5,000 $140
$5,001 – 10,000 $200
$10,001 – 20,000 $300
$20,001 – 40,000 $350
$40,001 – 60,000 $400
$60,001 – 80,000 $500
$80,001 – 200,000 $600
$200,001 and up $700
Total Selling Price
(Qty * Individual Selling Price)
Item not sold 0%
$0 – $2,500 5%
$2,501 – 20,000 5% of the initial $2,500 ($125) +
4% of the amount > $2,500
$20,001 – 80,000 As above, plus 3% of the amount > $20,000
$80,001 and up As above, plus 2% of the amount > $80,000

Reduced closing percentages are based on the selling price within each price category. For instance, if your item sells for $100,000, the commission is:

$125(5% of $2,500)
+$700(4% of $17,500)
+$1,800(3% of $60,000)
+$400(2% of $20,000)
=$3,025(or just over 3% of the selling price)

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