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Philips and Mandaya Royal Hospital Puri sign seven-year partnership agreement to provide patient-centered care

Press releases may be edited for formatting or style | October 15, 2020 Health IT Patient Monitors

"As a leading health technology company, Philips provides meaningful innovations in collaboration with healthcare providers to deliver value-based healthcare," said Pim Preesman, Managing Director, Philips Indonesia. "We deliver solutions that take the complexity out of healthcare through a truly integrated approach to drive better health outcomes, improve the patient and staff experience, and lower the cost of care. We are excited to partner with Dr. Ben and his team to build an advanced, patient-focused hospital based on smart technology and innovation."

Mandaya Royal Hospital Puri will be equipped with the latest advanced technology and solutions from Philips, including the next-generation Azurion image-guided therapy system, the Ingenia Ambition MR, the world's first MR for helium-free operations and the IQon Spectral CT, the world's first and only detector-based spectral CT. Enterprise informatics solutions including IntelliBridge Enterprise and Vue PACS will support collaboration and optimize workflows, shortening the path to precise diagnostic decisions.

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Connected patient monitoring and integrated analytics solutions from Philips will also enable the continuous monitoring of patients wherever they are in the system – providing a comprehensive solution during the entire treatment and recovery process. The IntelliSpace Critical Care and Anesthesia (ICCA) system is an advanced clinical decision support and automatic documentation solution, providing analytics, integrated care management, and reporting throughout the ICU care cycle. Another system, the IntelliVue Guardian Solution (IGS) is a patient monitoring and workflow system that monitors and identifies subtle signs of deterioration or warning signs in a patient's physiological condition and then alerts staff to intervene in a timely manner.

About Royal Philips
Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a leading health technology company focused on improving people's health and enabling better outcomes across the health continuum from healthy living and prevention, to diagnosis, treatment and home care. Philips leverages advanced technology and deep clinical and consumer insights to deliver integrated solutions. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company is a leader in diagnostic imaging, image-guided therapy, patient monitoring and health informatics, as well as in consumer health and home care. Philips generated 2019 sales of EUR 19.5 billion and employs approximately 81,000 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries.

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