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X-ray mammography adoption to skyrocket as preferred imaging tool for breast cancer detection

Press releases may be edited for formatting or style | October 01, 2018 Women's Health X-Ray
Santa Clara, Calif. – October 1, 2018 – Highly populated countries have traditionally been slow adopters of non-conventional business models, but government initiatives to promote early tumor detection are expected to drive the use of X-ray mammography imaging solutions in these countries. China and Eastern European nations such as Hungary and Poland are poised to be growth hubs for mammography solutions as their governments roll out organized, population-based screening. India and other countries in EE like Romania are still in the development phase. Vendors in these markets are strategically employing leasing, managed equipment services, and a variety of rental and pay-per-use models to boost procedural volumes. Additionally, new business models focusing on workflow efficiency will be the most feasible due to high budget deficits in these markets. At the same time, the evolution of payment models toward outcome-based reimbursement underlines the need for precision diagnosis.

"Although analog and computed radiography (CR) mammography will continue to generate revenues from developing economies over the next three to five years, their increasing obsolescence will present considerable opportunities for 2D digital radiography (DR) systems," said Poornima Srinivasan, Industry Analyst, Transformational Health. "Studies show that digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is a game-changing technology for screening programs due to its ability to detect tumors in women with dense breast tissue. Similarly, 2D DR mammography with 3D DBT enhancement and synthesized 2D imaging also offer high price-performance value."

Frost & Sullivan's recent analysis, Global X-ray Mammography Imaging Systems Market, Forecast to 2022, analyzes various market trends such as the utilization of mammography systems, breast care statistics, mammography procedure volume analysis, and clinical layout of breast care. It covers growth indicators, growth strategies, competitive structure, and market share and revenues forecasts for North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. The product segments covered include analog, computed, 2D digital, 2D digital to DBT upgrade, and digital breast tomosynthesis.

"To further improve product uptake, vendors are positioning 3D with multi-modality views, setting up workstations with 2D and 3D comparisons, and creating advanced detectors and algorithms to detect cancer at an early stage," noted Srinivasan. "Significantly, they are also launching technologies such as contrast-enhanced spectral mammography, which provides low-energy 2D mammographic imaging on par with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)."

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