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Research study from Emory University observes $3,654 per patient cost savings for coronary artery bypass graft surgery

Press releases may be edited for formatting or style | April 26, 2017

About Glytec

Founded in 2006, Glytec is the pioneer and leader in diabetes therapy management software, enabling healthcare organizations to achieve best practice for glucose control and standardize care for inpatients and outpatients alike. The company’s comprehensive eGlycemic Management System® (eGMS®) has been proven to dramatically reduce drivers of cost and clinical variation, including incidence of hypoglycemia, readmissions, length of stay, complications and A1C levels. Its efficacy and safety have been validated by more than 55 research studies. eGMS® centers on an FDA-cleared insulin dosing solution that supports personalized intravenous and subcutaneous therapy for adult and pediatric populations. It integrates seamlessly with EMR systems and connected device platforms for streamlined use across the entire continuum of care, including at-home, provider-directed care managed through telehealth, population health and other value-based programs. The company’s cloud-hosted software-as-a-service (SaaS) delivery model allows for rapid implementation and anytime, anywhere access. Glytec has offices in Waltham, Massachusetts and Greenville, South Carolina. For more information, visit www.glytecsystems.com.

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