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Simulación del oficio de enfermera -- El educar para el futuro

por Michael Johns, Project Manager | July 28, 2006

PHASE 2 -- Using funds from the UT System and the Amon Carter Foundation, a new 15,000 sq. ft. facility on campus in Fall 2006 will allow for innovative uses of the school's 30 manikins and other simulation technology. Working with health care architectural designers, this setting will be a "state of the science health care environment" for student learning, research and development of hospital systems and new products, vendor showcasing, and competency evaluations of employees within the health care workforce and community service professions. press release

Phase 3--SMART HOSPITAL AND HEALTH SYSTEM - The School of Nursing plans to build a 100,000 sq. ft. facility to house the Smart Hospital and Health System (SHHS). The SHHS will be a 60 bed virtual hospital with 60 simulated patients serving as a regional and national demonstration center. It will be a site for multidisciplinary health care education and evaluation of clinical competency, workforce and product development and health care research. The SHHS will also be constructed to serve as a community resource for disaster response. Bringing together a collaborative team of UT Arlington and external researchers, the SHHS will provide evidence based data for wide reaching changes in education and health care systems.

For more information, contact Dean Poster in the School of Nursing at (817) 272-2776.

You can also view this article at the UT Arlington website.

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