Address extreme overload of imaging requests in China
Detects lung cancer within 20 seconds
Detects 75 common radiological findings
Integrates stereoscopic 3D imaging into endoscopes
Could cost healthcare $25 billion in losses
Integrate portfolios of CT, MR and software solutions
Three scans on wrong side, one on wrong patient
Researchers point to unnecessary follow-up, financial risk
Enhances point-of-care MSK procedures
Designed for areas that lack access to diagnostic CT scanners
Cost efficient alternative to MAGNETOM Vida MR system
Will treat more than 3 million Indians with cancer, and other SE Asian populations
For when seizures can't be controlled with medication
Divergent views from medical physicists, technologists
Installing Visage 7 at Brigham & Women's, MGH
Will use EPIX's cardiac ablation technology with Medtronic's cryoballoon technology
Designed as alternative to X-ray fluoroscopy
View and monitor hepatobiliary structures, especially in PSC patients
Promoting integration of AI in all areas of healthcare
CE Mark expiring this month
Treatment for neuroendocrine tumors
Reducing turnaround time from 11 days down to three
Free-floating, flat tabletop; affordable option for ambulatory settings
Used the da Vinci Xi Surgical System
Creating 3D images of entire human body in 15-30 seconds
No injections, dyes, radiation, direct patient contact or interruptions in procedures
Vendor-neutral, operates on iPad Pro
Ian Watts, developer of ProjectDR, talks about AR's potential impact in healthcare
There is no one-size-fits-all solution for RIS needs
Minimize axillary surgeries in patients who may not benefit from them
Can measure the absorbed dose from MRT for individual patients
Ensures quality control is present in laying out surgical plans
Can help select which stroke patients require clot removal procedures
Can hear the minuscule noises of bacteria and living cells
Offer CT, MR, mammography, ultrasound and OPG services
Supports global clinical trials across all therapeutic areas
Claims to not have had access to X-ray before procedure
Partnered with Apollo Hospitals and Genworks
Seeking to better align its businesses with consumer needs
Involves monthslong shutdown of NTP Radioisotopes medical isotope plant
Utilizing FDA-cleared QTscan technology
Used in PET diagnostic exams for suspected neuroendocrine tumors
Measures brain atrophy, detects white matter hyperintensities
Examined disparities in screening mammography utilization at city level
Equipped with HYPERSCAN technology
Marks entrance into Nevada market
Supporting independent and physician-led practices
App that connects care team members to one another, patients and patient info in real time
Imaging agent for visualizing prostate cancer
Bringing clarity to disparate mammo screening guidelines