Allows them to support emergency workflow without causing disruptions
Will offer customers nationwide access to virtual urgent, behavioral and primary care
Aims at helping RNs successfully care for a safe number of patients at a time
Obtains range of portable X-ray systems, including Micro-X Rover with nanotube tech
Study points to pressure by healthcare systems to make more revenue
Somatom X.ceed is designed to simplify procedures in challenging clinical areas
LSE-Lancet commission proposes solutions to strengthen NHS and UK healthcare
Accused of improperly billing Medicare for surgical procedures
Around two-thirds of the largest U.S. providers have not complied with the hospital price transparency final rule
Will scale distribution of its tracer, Cerianna, to at least 75% of relevant patients by 2023
Sent spending up $40 million over a four-year period
Lean management is designed to improve quality and profitability of company production processes
Shows anatomical and biochemical changes in a patient's health in real time, in a scalable virtual model
Had overall lower costs per patient discharged
Not specified which systems were affected or how the attack occurred
Shows deficiencies in consumption and reserve of energy metabolism in the brain
Anthem is trying to steer older pediatric patients to freestanding imaging options
"On any given day, countless clinicians look for an oasis to pause, reflect and ready themselves for the next challenge"
Will launch additional ones across the country over the next two months
Likely to see more advanced cancers and higher rate of cancer-related deaths
Closures due to financial and staffing challenges associated with rural health
Will set payment rates based on 2019 data instead of pandemic-impacted 2020 data
A shortage of 3,613 radiology consultants is predicted in 2025
Will develop new treatments and create new research areas for cancer and other pediatric catastrophic diseases
Aiming to build the largest in-home care system
The condition is estimated to affect 10 million Americans
A 'milestone' toward creating a sustainable, domestic supply of the workhorse SPECT agent
Large health systems look to scale up and expand geographic footprint, smaller hospitals look to stay financially stable during pandemic
Designed to help Indianapolis providers should COVID-19 numbers become overwhelming
Addressing the dysfunction of the current Medicare payment system for advanced imaging
Can help radiologists to triage cases and speed up care for those most in need
Will add virtual visits from home to Evernorth's healthcare portfolio, lower cost of care
Expands geographic reach in Florida to a total of 78 clinics
Will spare families from paying off liens dating back to the 1990s
Practice consists of a large radiology group and 150 imaging centers in nine states
Will help track moving tumors and guide proton beam to spare healthy tissue
As many older clinical engineers and BMETs near retirement, work is underway to prepare the next generation
Q&A with Laureen Driscoll, president of MultiCare’s Tacoma General and Allenmore Hospitals
As silos come down and imaging reaches across the enterprise, make sure you’ve got the right leaders at the table
Regulatory classification now refers to 'medical image management and processing systems'
Will use proceeds of $500 million IPO to pay off debt
Will offer a combined medical imaging and radiation oncology portfolio
Large number of hospitals not complying with rule, making it difficult for consumers to see charges
Westerville police have launched an investigation into the incident
One will develop AI algorithms, the other will connect data to AI algorithms to collect diagnostic insights
Fired for complaining about staffing shortages in the emergency department
Seeking a meeting to change policy and create greater access to nuclear medical imaging
Stole funds from clinic, made false statements in regard to bankruptcy proceedings he filed
Expected to attract private-equity bidders
Unsatisfied with mammography alone for breast cancer screening