3 Colorado Auctions End Tomorrow 02/20 - Bid Now

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Your Endoscopy Equipment Specialist! Call 734-422-7700

International Medical Equipment Inc, Buys and sells all Endoscopy's Equipment, domestically and internationlly. We have all major brands, like Olympus,Pentax,Stryker,Storz and many other Call or click today

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Collaborative Medical Solutions- Your Pathway to Better Scope Technology!

Upgrading to advanced endoscopy technology & capturing the best value for previously owned endoscopy equipment is now simple & reliable! If you have scopes to buy or sell contact Collaborative today! info@collaborativemedicalsolutions.com 704-550-4681

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OLYMPUS CLV-260 Fuentes de luz A la venta

OLYMPUS CLV-260: Fuente de luz fría Xenón de 300 vatios, usada La fuente de luz fría está equipada con una bombilla de xenón nueva. La vida útil media es de unas 500 horas. El indicador de vida útil... ver más

February 03

Asking Price:
€2,800 EUR

February 17

Asking Price:
$1,169 USD
$935 USD (20% Off)

Ali Rehman / Tekyard LLC
teléfono: +1 (410) 999-4982