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Endoscopy OEM Repair Parts The Right Model.The Right Quality.The Right Now.

ENDOCORP is a global provider of OEM endoscopic repair parts. We provide the right part,for the right model,with the right quality...all right now. Real time stock levels w/ over 2 million parts & same day shipping. sales@endocorpusa.com or 1-800-789-7802

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Collaborative Medical Solutions- Your Pathway to Better Scope Technology!

Upgrading to advanced endoscopy technology & capturing the best value for previously owned endoscopy equipment is now simple & reliable! If you have scopes to buy or sell contact Collaborative today! info@collaborativemedicalsolutions.com 704-550-4681

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February 14

Asking Price:
$85 USD

Ali Rehman / Tekyard LLC
teléfono: +1 (410) 999-4982
February 13

Asking Price:
$65 USD

Ali Rehman / Tekyard LLC
teléfono: +1 (410) 999-4982

OLYMPUS CLK-4 Fuentes de luz A la venta

Fuente de luz fría para endoscopia para flexión. Endoscopios, con bomba, halógeno de 150 vatios, vg.cond.... ver más

February 16

Asking Price:
€300 EUR
Dealer Pricing

Thomas Koenigbauer / MED & IT Trading
teléfono: +49 08719740803

OLYMPUS CLK-4 Fuentes de luz A la venta

(29845) Olympus CLK-4 Fuente de luz fría. ¡En perfecto estado de funcionamiento! Vendido como se muestra en la imagen. Política de devoluciones. El artículo se vende tal cual, no se admiten... ver más

February 03

Asking Price:
€320 EUR

Alexej Lapschin / Sonolog
teléfono: +49 15123434131
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Your Endoscopy Equipment Specialist! Call 734-422-7700

International Medical Equipment Inc, Buys and sells all Endoscopy's Equipment, domestically and internationlly. We have all major brands, like Olympus,Pentax,Stryker,Storz and many other Call or click today

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