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Upgrading to advanced endoscopy technology & capturing the best value for previously owned endoscopy equipment is now simple & reliable! If you have scopes to buy or sell contact Collaborative today! info@collaborativemedicalsolutions.com 704-550-4681

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Your Endoscopy Equipment Specialist! Call 734-422-7700

International Medical Equipment Inc, Buys and sells all Endoscopy's Equipment, domestically and internationlly. We have all major brands, like Olympus,Pentax,Stryker,Storz and many other Call or click today

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LUX TEC 9300 Xenon light source with Cuda headlight. A la venta

Fuente de luz de xenón con faro Cuda.: *Serie 9000 con faro Horas de lámpara: 1689 Funciona según lo diseñado. El cable de fibra se pellizcó en un par de lugares pero aún transmite luz. ** Consulte... ver más

February 14

Asking Price:
$200 USD

Ron de Ru / NorthWest Supply
teléfono: +1 (888) 649-6497
February 12

Asking Price:
$175 USD

Ali Rehman / Tekyard LLC
teléfono: +1 (410) 999-4982
February 17

Asking Price:
$190 USD

Dave Lux / AA Medical
teléfono: +1 (952) 955-6373
February 15

Asking Price:
$199 USD
$159 USD (20% Off)

Ali Rehman / Tekyard LLC
teléfono: +1 (410) 999-4982
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SH Medical Endoscopy Sales & Service-305-406-2222 marcelo@shmedical.com

We specialize in rigid & flexible endoscopy, surgical instruments for laparoscopy, arthroscopy & urology. Video equipment & fiber optics cable. We are also exclusive distributors for Stahl www.stahlendoscopy.com.

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LUXTEC 9300 Fuentes de luz A la venta

Luxtec Xenon Serie 9000 Fuente de Luz Sobrealimentada, Modelo 9300... ver más

February 15

Asking Price:
$200 USD

Dave Lux / AA Medical
teléfono: +1 (952) 955-6373
February 14

Asking Price:
$284 USD

Ali Rehman / Tekyard LLC
teléfono: +1 (410) 999-4982

LUXTEC 9300 Fuentes de luz A la venta

(25941) Luxtec Sobrealimentado Modelo: 9300 Fuente de luz para Storz, Wolf, Olympus, ACMI. ¡En perfecto estado de funcionamiento! Vendido como se muestra en la imagen. Política de... ver más

February 03

Asking Price:
€295 EUR

Alexej Lapschin / Sonolog
teléfono: +49 15123434131