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Protect Your Product with an Extended Warranty with CPS Protection Plan

Protect Your Product with an Extended Warranty. 100% Parts and Labor Coverage. Covers Manufacturers Defects. Includes Accidental Damage (Liquid/Impact). Covers Free Shipping for Portable Devices. Covers On-Site Service. Up to 5 Years of Coverage Available

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Piedmont Medical, Inc. - Hospital Beds, Stretchers & More - (800)433-3255

Piedmont Medical is the #1 reconditioner of Hospital beds & stretchers in the healthcare industry. Our team of professionals is focused on providing quality workmanship, short lead times & unbeatable service, worldwide. We make our own replacement parts!

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AA Medical
teléfono: +1 (952) 955-6373

STERIS P141210-538 Anesthesia Arm Board A la venta

El ligero brazo de anestesia de fibra de carbono se fija fácilmente a cualquier riel lateral estándar con su abrazadera de fijación integral. Un gatillo en el extremo distal ajusta la posición de... ver más

February 03

Asking Price:
$230 USD

Dave Reier / OEM Medical Solutions
teléfono: +1 (410) 574-1729

NOVYMED U-SHAPE 952 transporting bed (X-ray table) A la venta

Reacondicionado (usado), Estado técnico: muy bueno, Estado visual: muy bueno, Fotos reales del producto, Fabricado en los Países Bajos, Cama de transporte, Tapicería nueva, médicamente... ver más

January 30  
Lukas Prais / PRAISTON
teléfono: +48 665345001
February 04

Asking Price:
$420 USD

Ali Rehman / Tekyard LLC
teléfono: +1 (410) 999-4982