Over 70 Total Lots Up For Auction at One Location - FL 02/18


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ZELTIQ AESTHETICS 8  CoolSculpting CoolMini Cycles
ZELTIQ AESTHETICS 8  CoolSculpting CoolMini Cycles

ZELTIQ AESTHETICS 8 CoolSculpting CoolMini Cycles

This auction is closed
  • El comenzar hecho una oferta USD $325.00

  • Este artículo no será vendido si el precio de reserva no se resuelve.
  • Tiempo se fue Auction Closed
  • La oferta se cierra Jan 30 - 10:00am EST
  • Subasta # 248346
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This is a Seller Self-Managed Auction, and all questions will go directly to the Seller. Payment arrangements must be made with the Seller when the auction closes. Usted puede aprenda more sobre subastas Uno mismo-Manejadas Aquí.

  • Localización: NY, USA
  • Modelo: 8 CoolSculpting CoolMini Cycles
  • Type: Cosmetic General
  • Cycles: 8
8 - CoolSculpting CoolMini Cycles with Supplies
The equipment is staged and operational, but is not in clinical use.


The equipment will be available immediately upon receipt of payment in full.




At the close of the Auction, the Winning Bidder will receive an email introducing the Winning Bidder to the Seller.

The Winning Bidder agrees to make contact with the Seller within one business day of the close of the Auction and to remit payment in full within three business days of the close of the Auction.

If the Winning Bidder fails to make contact with the Seller within one business day or to remit the payment within three business days then the auctioned item may be sold to the next highest bidder and the Winning Bidder may be negatively rated, banned from and Blacklisted on DOTmed and charged a penalty equal to
$2000 or the amount of the winning bid whichever is less.
Deinstallation, packing, crating and transportation will be paid by the Winning Bidder.

Title will transfer to the Winning Bidder upon payment in full.


This equipment is offered in accordance with the "Auction Terms" and "Legal Notice" of www.dotmed.com. No warranty is expressed or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All equipment is sold "as is" and "where is".
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