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SCITON Sciton Joule  Halo BBL Hybrid Fractional LASER  Laser - Erbium SCITON Sciton Joule  Halo BBL Hybrid Fractional LASER  Laser - Erbium SCITON Sciton Joule  Halo BBL Hybrid Fractional LASER  Laser - Erbium SCITON Sciton Joule  Halo BBL Hybrid Fractional LASER  Laser - Erbium SCITON Sciton Joule  Halo BBL Hybrid Fractional LASER  Laser - Erbium

SCITON Sciton Joule Halo BBL Hybrid Fractional LASER Laser - Erbium

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  • Time Left Auction Closed
  • Bid Closes Apr 04 - 09:00am EDT
  • Auction # 65855
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  • Location: Ontario, Canada
  • Model: Sciton Joule Halo BBL Hybrid Fractional LASER
  • Type: Laser - Erbium
  • Wavelength: Wavelengths Included: Nd Yag 1064n,
  • Year of Manufacture: Manufactured 11/2018
Sciton Joule Halo, BBL -Hybrid Fractional LASER

Sciton Joule with Nd Yag 1064nm with Articulated ARM & BBL with 5 Filters: 420, 515, 560, 590ST, 640, & 695ST;

Manufactured 11/2018; Excellent Cosmetic and Operating Condition, Single Owner, Full Maintenance Service with Current Software Upgrade Performed by Sciton Technician.

Wavelengths Included: Nd Yag 1064n, & BBL with 5 Filters 420, 515, 560, 590ST, 640, & 695ST; Nd Yag 1064nm; Also Includes: Articulated ARM for use of 1064nm, BBL Handpiece, Skin Chiller, (2) Keys, Warning Sign, (4) Operator Eyewear, (1) Patient Eyewear, (1) Footswitch

The equipment is operational and is in clinical use.
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