Dave Francoeur

Five minutes in healthcare - featuring Dave Francoeur

August 17, 2020
by Philip F. Jacobus, CEO
Five Minutes in Healthcare is where I discuss current events with some of the industry's most influential leaders, as well as innovative thinkers who are working to meet the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic.

In this installment, I check in with with Dave Francoeur, senior VP at Tech Knowledge Associations (TKA), about how his company provides HTM support to hospitals and what the coronavirus pandemic has meant for their business.

He also offers an update on the equipment service collaborative communities called for by the FDA, and why he's optimistic about progress in the right-to-repair debate, despite the recent withdrawal of OEM trade groups, MITA and AdvaMed.

We hope you enjoy the video. Please tell us what you think, and let us know who you would like to see interviewed next: