FDA OKs breast density measurement tool from Philips

December 31, 2013
by Loren Bonner, DOTmed News Online Editor
Philips Healthcare announced last week that it has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration clearance for the Spectral Breast Density Measurement Application for its MicroDose SI full-field digital mammography (FFDM) system.

Philips said the application is the first spectral breast density measurement tool where "adipose and glandular tissue can be differentiated to accurately measure volumetric breast density." This works by independently measuring the glandularity and thickness in each pixel of the image to objectively calculate the total volume and volumetric percentage of glandular tissue in the breast, according to written material from Philips.

Studies have shown that women with dense breast tissue have a higher rate of breast cancer. But it doesn't necessarily equate to increased cancer deaths, according to an article from the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Additionally, 13 states have passed breast density inform legislation, where doctors are required to tell women when they have dense breasts. A federal breast density law is also making its way through Congress.